Agile Practitioners 2015: Call For Papers

Agile Practitioners 2015 is starting its way, and the first step is the Call For Papers!

The Agile Practitioners conference started 4 years ago, and is an actual effort by the community. I’m proud to be part of the organizing committee, after presenting at the last 3 gatherings.

AP15 is continuing the tradition of bringing Israeli and international speakers to the growing agile community in Israel. This year won’t be any different. Much.

We’ve decided on 3 tracks, but this time the topics center around experience:

  • Beginner track, for those are venturing into the agile world, and want both general information and tips how not to mess up.
  • Advanced track, where experienced practitioners talk about their experience, both good and bad.
  • Executive track, that leaves the product development world, and makes agile accessible to other organizations like marketing, or HR.

Here’s your part

If you want to be a speaker, answer the call!

If you have an idea, you want us to help you make into a session, answer the call!

If you have another format for a session we didn’t think of, answer the call!

If you know someone who may want to give a talk, share this with them!

There’s be more news coming on sessions and speakers. In the meantime, spread the word and join us!

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