Straight Out of ADC 2011

ADC2011 is over, and I had a mighty fun time.

Like I open my talks, I’d like to speak first on my favorite subject: me. I had two talks, one on unit testing SharePoint applications, and the other about tools for identifying issues in multithreaded apps (slides below). I can tell you that all those hours rehearsing in traffic (that’s a great way to spend your time on the road) worked out exceptionally well.

I was one of three speakers that gave their presentations in English. One was David Evans, who, unfortunately was scheduled head-to-head against my talk, so I missed it. Two more sessions by Gojko Adzic and David de Floronier I loved, especially the specification game. I’ll write more about this, but if you get a chance to see this presentation, which is part of a whole course, I really recommend it.

But my lack of knowledge in German didn’t make me miss other talks. There were brilliant talks by Björn Rochel and Thorsten Hans that I understood (most of the material). I can see that there’s a vibrant community interested in testing, TDD, BDD and agile and we had fun discussing different point of views. I can say though, that as a witness for a German-Developish panel discussion, I can now understand how Hebrew-Developish discussions sound to “normal” people.

Speaking of normal people, I want to thank Adi Beker, who came with me (and was the only girl in the room). She organized meetings with Typemock prospects and clients (where I tagged along) and managed to live through my sarcasm (not many people do).

The final piece of the puzzle was attending the Munich coding dojo – we were invited there by Ilker Centikaya, which ran the meeting expertly, and funnily. I managed to convince my German peers to speak English (at least while speaking to me) and that was indeed a great time, and once more a learning experience. More on this coming soon too.

I’ve met some more cool people – it felt like Alt.Net meetings sometimes (translation: good discussions). Germany has some great community leaders, like Ralf Westphal , Stefan Lieser and Albert Weinert,  that push developers forward, to know more, to improve and think about the craft. I’m really glad I’ve had a chance to meet everyone.

Of course, what we all really came here for: Beer. Plenty of it. Many types. In fact I’ve condensed into 3 days the amount of beer I’ve assimilated into my body in 2 weeks in Ireland. And pretzels.

Great fun all around.

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