Author Archives: Gil Zilberfeld

Partial Retrospection

I firmly believe that in order for a team to succeed they should be committing themselves, and take accountability. I saw teams succeed when they do, and saw teams fail when they don’t. So in the upcoming changes we’re making, we want the team to be part of it. Thursday, we did a partial retrospection,

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Ayende on Broken Windows

Ayende gives an example of how to set the bar high. The broken windows theory talks about what happens when you let your guard down. In software this means that if you start setting the bar low, for example allowing more bugs, or stop refactoring for a while (because now is not the right to

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Winds of Change

We’re going agile! Note that it’s not with a capital A. And when we do it is with small steps. However, I think it is a step in the right direction. How did this miracle happen? I can take some of the credit, but it’s mostly letting people absorb the theory until it looks real.

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Danko on Project Estimation

First, this is in Hebrew. Danko compares real life estimation (where normal people take into account abnormal occurances) to project estimation (where normal project managers don’t). This is so true in so many levels. Been there, and unfortunately done it. I’m waiting for the follow up post. This Fibonacci series estimation looks mighty interesting.