Category Archives: agile

Meeting David Anderson

I had the pleasure of meeting David Anderson on Tuesday. If you’d like to read more on how it happened, read it in Tal’s words. And since David was at our offices, we discussed how we do Kanban at Typemock and heard lots of suggestions on how we can improve our service process  (where Kanban

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I’ve been following the “war on certifications” for a while. It’s not new, since scrum had certifications for many years now, and Microsoft adds fuel to the fire with the newly created “Certified scrum developer”.The latest from Uncle Bob’s R.E.A.L.I.T.Y show made me smile. And yes, if you thought I was going to oppose the

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Reuse As The Holy Grail

Udi Dahan writes about the fallacy of reuse. I couldn’t agree more. In my previous job, reuse was a selling point to our clients. We promised that building the current system will produce components that will help build the next system at a lower cost. A noble goal. Here’s what happened: we spent a lot

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Partial Retrospection

I firmly believe that in order for a team to succeed they should be committing themselves, and take accountability. I saw teams succeed when they do, and saw teams fail when they don’t. So in the upcoming changes we’re making, we want the team to be part of it. Thursday, we did a partial retrospection,

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